Halefresh Citric Acid Central

Citric acid how-to and Information articles, including descaling, bath bombs, food preservation, chemical structure, cleaning, and a host of other topics you may find of interest. If you’d like something added, please reach out to us, we’re happy to help! Citric acid is some pretty awesome stuff, and it has a loooot of uses in almost every area of daily life!

Hot water kettle that uses RO water before descaling with Halefresh solution.

Substitute for Descaling Solution?

Trying to find a substitute for descaling solution is like trying to survive without water; maybe not that severe, but the point is that mineral buildup is typically a given unless you use some extreme measures and these have major drawbacks, in my opinion. The most obvious suggestions I can
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Halefresh descaling solution in 16oz Bettix Bottle.

Halefresh Descaling Solution

Halefresh descaling solution is the high powered, effective, and easy to use descaler for use in the cafe, office and home. Quickly remove limescale from your appliances with this potent formula that goes further and saves you money!

Halefresh citric acid in 3lb stand up pouch.

Halefresh Citric Acid

Halefresh citric acid is clean and packaged in super-tough pouches that keep it dry and secure. It’s fine grain, meaning easy to dissolve and measure. We ship all retail orders by the next business day so you can order it and forget about it.


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