What On Earth is Descaling Solution?
Descaling solution is simply a cleaning solution made with citric acid (in our case) for breaking down mineral deposits on or inside appliances or equipment in contact with water. Calcium and other minerals in your water precipitate out of the water and typically form a white film, which builds up over time, on everything from coffee and espresso machines to hot water kettles to dishes. This can clog up your coffee machine, fill up your water kettle, leave your dishwasher full of white deposits, etc. In fact, a white film on your clear dishes can be removed with either citric acid, or in a worst case situation, with bleach. They’ll be sparkling clean like the hot water kettle below.
Our descaling solution uses citric acid to break down these deposits and remove them from your appliances and/or dishes. There are many companies who design proprietary formulas to try and grab a larger share of the market, and we’ve also tried that, but citric acid provides a cost effective and relatively environmentally friendly descaling solution. Citric acid is produced from corn, sugar cane, sugar beets, etc and will break down quickly. It doesn’t leave behind caustic chemicals. However, it is a powerful acid and even though it’s technically food safe, it will cause you harm if you decide to drink it. Just have to say that for those who think they have to try anything once. It’s like yeast, food coloring, baking soda, etc. Use your common sense. Cinnamon anyone?
Limescale Buildup In a Water Kettle
Your coffee machine likely has the same type of buildup, which affect the coffee taste and machine operation. This can mean a slow machine, lukewarm coffee, and taste that leaves you wondering what happened.
Descaling solution effectively removes these limescale deposits.
What is Hard and soft water?
Hard water has higher concentrations of iron, calcium, magnesium, etc, and leaves behind a trail of ugliness when appliances, surfaces and dishes aren’t thoroughly and quickly cleaned and dried. It is also much harder on everything because the mineral deposits are abrasive and very hard, and can ruin everything from your coffee machine to your car’s paint job to your dishes. Hard water actually feels abrasive on your skin and when you drink it. Despite what the water treatment companies claim in their marketing literature that’s designed to rev up your engines, hard water is mainly a giant nuisance and not a health hazard. Big difference between those two, and a hazard is a pretty serious thing to watch out for.
Soft water lacks higher concentrations of these minerals and feels “squishy” and perhaps “slippery” on your skin. This is obviously a very simplified description. I grew up with hard water and thought that’s just how water is. When using soft water the first time I was shocked at how it seemed the soap couldn’t be scrubbed off. I quickly realized skin that wasn’t dried out was a nice bonus, and dishes weren’t cloudy, and water spots on the car were greatly reduced. This did not translate to my coffee machine because I like the taste of coffee made with more mineralized water, and I do NOT use soft water because I think the coffee tastes gross. Sooooo, I found citric acid is a fabulous cleaning/descaling agent and far superior to vinegar in every way.
Halefresh Descaling Solution
You’ve got the bare basics, and you obviously want a product that’s going to work well. That’s where Halefresh comes in. The descaling solution is highly concentrated and consists of citric acid and purified water. Citric acid is typically made from sugarcane, corn, or even sugar beets and is safe to use in food, candy, cleaning, preservation, ph balancing, etc, etc.
We basically wanted to make a solution as potent as possible so you wouldn’t need a lot. We were a little limited as the concentration couldn’t be too high or it would adversely effect the production equipment and would also become a problem to ship.
We feel the unique bottle provides a convenient and precise means to measure the descaling solution for each application. We think this means you’ll be more likely to use our product because it’s easier to use and more cost effective than the competition.
Halefresh descaling solution is a high-performance, universal product that can be used in all coffee machines, espresso machines, kettles, etc. Basically anything that heats up water and is prone to hard water deposits. Use it at the cafe, office or at home – with ease! You can get anywhere from 4 to 16 uses per bottle! This means you’ll be ordering less often, but if you like it the hope is that you’ll tell everyone else about it and keep ordering. 🙂
How Often should you descale/clean?
This is very subjective as water hardness varies all over the United States. Some areas require very little cleaning as the water is naturally low in minerals that form limescale, and people in other areas find limescale an exceedingly annoying fact of life.
Typically, if you have soft water you may only need to clean every couple months, whereas someone in Minnesota may need to descale every month, maybe even twice a month, to stay ahead of the limescale monster. That’s just where we are and sometimes we cry ourselves to sleep because of this, and for other reasons……It’s actually not that bad once you get used to the place.
If you’re not sure simply check your coffee pot, dishwasher, or dishes. If your coffee pot is cloudy or your dishwasher is full of disgusting limescale deposits, or your clear dishes are cloudy, that’s a pretty good indicator you have hard water. Or, perhaps your coffee maker is sloooow and the coffee lukewarm. That’s also usually a good indicator the lines are stuffed with limescale and need to be blasted with descaling solution. In such a case you’ll probably need to double the dosage and run 2 or 3 cycles the first time you descale. Still, it’s way less expensive than a new coffee machine.
Basic descaling/cleaning instructions
If you have never descaled we recommend you start with 2oz of solution. If you KNOW you have hard water and have never cleaned, start with 4oz of descaling solution in the reservoir and fill with cold water. It’s fine to use your usual drinking water, but if you really want to go nuts use RO, DI or distilled water. Frankly though, we feel that’s a waste of time and money.
For your typical drip coffee maker, simply add 2 oz of Halefresh descaling solution to the machine water reservoir and fill it the rest of the way with cold water. Put a new filter in the basket and turn on the machine. When liquid starts coming out shut if off. After 10 minutes restart the machine and run everything in the reservoir through the machine. If you have visible sediment, you can recycle the used solution and do another cleaning cycle. Some customers report doing 3-4 descaling cycles before the sediment stops.
When done cleaning rinse the reservoir, coffee filter basket and coffee pot, and fill the reservoir with cold water. Start the machine and let all the water run through. Repeat this twice. IF you notice any weird taste we recommend another rinse cycle. If this doesn’t take are of the problem, do another cleaning cycle with the descaling solution. Very stubborn limescale deposits sometimes need some more persuasion.
For more sophistimacated machines, use the instructions on the bottle. That is, 2oz in reservoirs up to, and including, 8 cups, and 4oz in reservoirs larger than 8 cups. After that follow the manufacturer instructions. The stuff is quite potent and we’ll keep saying it. Some of our customers only use 1/2oz in their machine reservoirs as that gets the job done.
Interested in Making Your Own Descaling Solution?
When your Halefresh descaling solution bottle is empty, you can reuse it by mixing your own solution! When the bottle gets worn, or you simply want a shiny new one, just recycle it and order another bottle of Halefresh descaling solution.
CAUTION: This is similar to the concentrated formula we use, so don’t splash! AVOID contact with skin and eyes. Check the SDS link below for safety measures.
You can purchase 3lb pouches of citric acid here.
- Step 1. Using a dry funnel, add 8oz (1/2lb) of Halefresh citric acid to the Halefresh Descaling Solution bottle main chamber.
- Step 2. Fill to the 16oz line (going a little over is fine) with warm (you can submerge your hand in it) water. Use RO (reverse osmosis), distilled, or deionized water for best results.
- Step 3. Make sure both lids are securely tightened and shake bottle until the citric acid is dissolved, and presto, you're done!
- Step 4. Use this mixture as you normally would for descaling everything. You can purchase citric acid on the Halefresh website.