We make de beeeest
natural cleaning

Well…we only have a couple but are working on more. We started out with the intention to sell citric acid and other lab products. Instead we added sweeteners and were looking to branch into MCT oil, etc, etc. Now the focus has shifted back to the original plan with citric acid and related products, and perhaps other cleaning products will be added. We’ll see how things develop. The focus is on simple, safe and effective for you.

For example descaling coffee makers, machines and hot water kettles is not complicated but it is a hassle for many folks. Many people are aware of vinegar, but we know citric acid works better and doesn’t smell as bad.

Why Mention Amazon Reviews?

We were focused on Amazon sales and reviews, not comprehending lower customer satisfaction was the long term outcome. Let me explain…

It seems the Big A may be struggling with delivery speed and product packaging size. Well, our packaging is actually optimized to minimize waste, and so the product gets to you with ZERO damage, aaaand it’s small enough to fit in most mailboxes.

Today, we’re growing this local business with local employees instead of an overstuffed, corporate gorilla, and that’s why we would love to have your support here and need your feedback and reviews (pictures are also great) to help improve the product.

ALL retail orders ship the same day if ordered by 12pm, CST, Mon-Fri, and you don’t even need to sign up for some membership to get that perk.

Effective citric acid products

At our core, our mission is to bring forth a range of citric acid products and make them accessible. We are dedicated to introducing and selling high-quality products that harness the power of citric acid, which is a readily available product that doesn’t leave a chemical trail of destruction when used and discarded. 

It breaks down quickly and won’t leave an ecological disaster for the next generation to deal with. Obviously the production is on an industrial scale but even that doesn’t compete with leaching bleach and other cocktails into the earth.

Keep your coffee machine clean and free of deposits
Dishwasher - Halefresh Citric Acid works wonders for cleaning dishwashers.
Create stylish and fizzy bath bombs!
Espresso machine - Descale with Halefresh Descaling Solution
Make cloudy dishes sparkle and keep your washer shiny!
Bath Bombs - Halefresh Citric Acid for Fizzy Bath Bombs.

Our product stands out for its exceptional eco-friendly feature, ensuring that we leave a positive impact on the environment.


Discover the true essence of versatility with our exceptional product that adapts seamlessly to various applications.


Simplicity meets efficacy with our product, making remarkably easy to use to everyone, ensures a hassle-free experience

No Chemicals

Unlock the power of simplicity, free from harmful chemicals. We are offering a natural, chemical-free solution.

How It Started

Hailing from the Midwest, Halefresh (pun may be intended) began its mission some years ago to replace household cleaners and dietary supplements with natural, sustainable products that clean the home, help a body stay healthy and have as low an impact on the environment as possible. 

All that really means is that recycle when possible and keep packaging to a sane level. That’s why we don’t go crazy with making the packaging ultra fancy and glitzy, and instead focus on products that keep you happy with the results.

Greener, Cleaner, Eco-Friendly

We’re trying to keep it simple so you can relax knowing there isn’t some weird ingredient that is GRAS (generally recognized as safe) but leaves questions nonetheless. Basically, we want whatever we provide to be clean and effective without a laundry list of nasty ingredients that is prevalent in many products today. 

Our base is citric acid and we’ve found it’s a good starting point for many things you can put together at home. It is great for removing hard water deposits both inside and outside machines, kettles, dispensers, washing machines, dishwashers, espresso machines, water softeners, bath bombs, toilet bombs, pest control, as a base for household cleaning products, and the list goes on.

We are committed to giving you the highest quality at the greatest value. That means products that are potent and may last you over a year, meaning you don’t need to purchase as often. Sure, that affects our bottom line in the short term, but ultimately you’ll be back, hopefully for life, and will bring others with you.

See what customers say

Cleaned Pot and Coffee Maker

This was the best coffee maker cleaner I have used. Very simple to mix and after letting it stand in the Stainless Steel pot for a short time before pouring in the coffee maker it nearly totally cleaned it as well.

Ninja and Keurig Machines

It really seems to work well, but my Ninja and Keurig coffee machine must be programmed for for 6 – 8 week descaling which comes up almost exactly to the day. We have a osmosis water system which makes the water pretty pure so the water isn’t a problem.

Commercial Keurig Coffee Brewer

This product works well and does as advertised. The convenient built in measuring device is great and it really did a great job cleaning my very hard mineral deposited commercial Keurig coffee brewer. However, because it works well I suggest cycling the water through immediately because if left for 15-20 min. it could plug up the brewer (it did mine) but I have a clean out so it wasn’t a problem.

Smooth & Easy

My shopping experience was very smooth & easy. I found the product that I needed & checked out pretty fast without any problems. Received the product in a short amount of time & happy with it.

We Like Coffee Too!

Halefresh didn’t come about by accident, and we’ve been descaling with citric acid for decades. We are committed to giving you the highest quality. This means chemical-free industrial duty, yet gentle enough to for residential appliances and commercial applications. 

Enjoy pricing discounts to home and small business customers including free delivery on all retail orders, and customer care and convenience so you don’t need to stress about anything.

At the same time we’re trying to say considerate of how much waste is generated and where it can be reduced. This is the reason for the option to make your own, and helps cut down on waste a little bit. 

Drop us a message

We’ll actually reach out to you. We know how frustrating it is to submit a contact form 15 times with zero response.


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